Counselling Services Individual Counselling

Individual Counselling

What is individual counselling, and how can it help me?

Individual counseling involves discussing an individual’s concerns in a one-on-one session within a secure, compassionate, and confidential environment. The counselor aids the individual in exploring their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, enabling them to address these issues and enhance their quality of life.

This form of counseling assists individuals in managing various concerns, including anger, anxiety, depression, substance use, relationship issues, academic difficulties etc.

Who is eligible for these counselling services?

 Students, Faculty, Employees and NG Staff of NUST are eligible for Counselling services.

Can I trust that counselling will be confidential? 

We are ethically committed to confidentiality which means that even your attendance in counselling is kept private and confidential.

Who would be my counsellor?

Once you have filled the intake form, then you will be assigned to one of the counsellors from our team. They are trained professional psychologists and have expertise in areas related to your concerns.

How long do I need to wait until I can see a counsellor? 

C3A is fully committed to schedule you with a counsellor as soon as possible. In most cases, the appointment is scheduled for the week following the intake form submission. However, sometimes students’ schedules have limited time slots available so this can lead to even shorter waiting periods after the initial intake interview.

How much do these sessions cost?
C3A offers free of cost services.

Would I be able to get a psychiatric consultation if I need one?
Students who are in counselling at C3A are referred to a psychiatrist through NUST Medical Centre if required. There is no Psychiatrist at C3A.

What can I expect counselling to be like? 

Every counsellor has a unique counselling style. However, we all share a compassion for your personal story and feel that the counselling relationship can make a difference in your life. Come in and see. If you are committed to change, you may be surprised by how much you can grow with the help of counselling.