- By far, more than 6374+ students have been counselled.
- Development of “Hosla Bot” – a self-screening survey bot designed to enhance mental health support within the NUST fraternity.
- Specialized training sessions on ‘Basic Counselling Skills’ conducted with student advisors at various NUST institutes.
- Revision of “NUST policy on Protection against Harassment”.
- Translation of “NUST policy on Protection against Harassment” in Urdu.
- Training of NG-staff on NUST policy on Protection against Harassment.
- Supporting student well-being through mental health awareness sessions.
- Provision of e-counselling services to students and faculty of Baluchistan Campus and other constituents of NUST.
- C3A has developed a portal on Qalam for students across all NUST campuses, streamlining appointment scheduling and digital management of client data.
- C3A has launched a virtual tour to increase its visibility across NUST’s departments and campuses (1800+ views till date).
- C3A translated the NUST’s Policy on Protection Against Harassment in Urdu and made it available on their website after identifying a gap in the accessibility and understanding of the policy between NUST officers/faculty and NG staff.
- C3A developed a 4-year career roadmap for undergraduate students to guide their career planning in accordance with their academic year.
- As a member of the Anti-Drug and Tobacco Committee, C3A recommended and is extending counselling services for students involved in drug-related activities referred by disciplinary committees.