Visit of C3A Team to NBC
-NUST Centre for Counselling and Career Advisory (C3A) visited NUST Bolochistan Campus (NBC) from December 4th to 7th, 2023. The visit featured diverse sessions for students, faculty and staff, highlighting C3A’s dedication to promote overall well-being.
Different activities were conducted in continuation of series of events being organized by C3A in different institutions within and outside H-12 campus. C3A team met with Dean NBC Dr. Hamid Ashraf, who appreciated the efforts made by C3A in taking care of the mental health of NUST fraternity. Ms Khadija Sultan conducted a seminar on Mental Health awareness in which she psycho-educated the students about stress, anxiety and depression commonly experienced during university life. Ms Rohia Nusrat orientated the freshmen with services offered by C3A.
Day 2 began with an awareness raising session on NUST Policy on Protection against Harassment with second year students conducted by Ms. Khadija while Ms. Rohia empowered second-year students with exploring and navigating career paths through self and opportunity awareness.
An awareness raising session was conducted on Day 3 with NG staff. The session highlighted the importance of creating a respectful environment at work place by complying to the NUST policy on Protection against Harassment. Furthermore, a training session on basic counselling skills was also conducted by Ms. Rohia with the students’ advisors. One of its objectives was to enhance their skills of dealing with at-risk students.
C3A team also provided individual counselling sessions for students during this duration. The visit left a lasting impact, providing insights into mental health, career development, and NUST policies. It showcased C3A’s commitment to resilient communities and empowering individuals in academic settings.