News C3A Conducts 1-day Training on Psychological Well-being of High School Teachers and Learners (PDC)

C3A Conducts 1-day Training on Psychological Well-being of High School Teachers and Learners (PDC)


The NUST Centre for Counselling and Career Advisory (C3A) conducted a 1-day training session titled “Psychological Well-being of High School Teachers and Learners” on 26th December 2024 as part of the Certificate in Leadership and Management Training Program organized by PDC.

The session was attended by around 40 participants, including principals and instructors from various Government Degree Colleges of Baluchistan. It aimed to enhance participants’ understanding of emotional and psychological well-being in educational settings, focusing on the common emotional health challenges faced by students and the basic counselling skills required to address them. This interactive training session allowed the participants to gain practical skills in identifying at-risk students. It also emphasized the critical role of stress management and self-care in maintaining personal well-being and supporting the mental health of others.

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