Event Category: Lectures
Lecture on NUST Policy on Protection against Harassment
Lecture on NUST Policy on Protection against Harassment.
Lecture on Nust Policy on Protection against Harassment
Lecture on NUST Policy on Protection against Harassment.
Lecture on Career Planning and Management with 2nd year Students.
Lecture on Career Planning and Management with 2nd year Students.
Lecture on Career Management and Planning with 2nd year Students
Lecture on Career Management and Planning with 2nd year Students.
NUST Anti-Harassment Policy
An awareness raising lecture on NUST Anti-Harassment Policy with C3A staff members. The objective of the lecture is to acquaint them with protection against harassment and its implementation at NUST. The lecture also aims to help staff members understand the process and procedure of lodging a complaint and how they can handle cases if any student/colleague discloses harassment at the workplace.
Lectures on Psychological Impact of COVID-19 and Coping Strategies
COVID-19 has spread alarmingly causing fear, unrest and anguish among the University students. Many psychological issues in terms of mental health including stress, anxiety, depression, frustration and uncertainty during COVID-19 outbreak have emerged progressively. A series of lectures will be delivered for students on the psychological implications of COVID-19 situation and strategies to cope with them effectively from September to December, 2020.
Lectures on NUST Anti-Harassment Policy
The Centre will deliver a series of lectures on ‘NUST Anti-Harassment Policy’ to the freshmen of all Schools and NUST constituents from October to December 2020. The main objective is to help students and the NUST community develop an understanding of the Anti-Harassment policy, its implementation at NUST and explain the procedure of lodging complaints with confidentiality
Lectures on Emotional Intelligence
An emotionally healthy and intelligent being will tactfully deal with the situations in order to maintain healthy relationships. Realizing the need to spread awareness about Emotional Intelligence, C3A will conduct a series of interactive sessions with students of all Schools and constituents of NUST from September to December 2020.